
KUD Giri Tani Bogor is the largest dairy cooperative in Bogor. In carrying out financial records, it is done using Ms. Excel. The weakness of the financial recording process like this is when there are scattered paper invoices and late entries to Ms. Excel. If this happens, making financial statements are delayed and takes time in decision-making. Based on these problems, KUD Giri Tani needs system information to assist them in accelerating the financial recording process that is easily accessible and monitored by KUD management. SIGITA (Giri Tani Accounting Information System) is a business solution to overcome financial determination problems, such as generating profit and losses. SIGITA is a web-based information system that has several features, such as recording income from the sale of milk, dairy products, and animal feed, routine expenses, viewing and downloading income and expenditure data, see profit or loss, validating in each period, enter milk prices according to with milk quality, enter feedstock, view income, and expenditure journals. SIGITA was developed using the Prototype method. The design and writing of program code uses an OOP approach and uses CodeIgniter with a database using MySQL.

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