
Overtime, there has been a loss of appreciation for music, as many people choose to listen to different types of songs and stay in their comfort zones. Due to this, many important pieces of art are being lost and remain unexplored. The present study focuses on identifying ways to preserve Indian music in order to conserve the feeling of home and familiarity which they instill. Thus, it also aims to bring people closer, explore uncharted genres, find ways to bridge their differences and form bonds. The research consisted of six Hindi songs out of which three were from generation X (40-50) and the rest from generation Z (15-20) living in Delhi NCR (Gurgaon). The main focus was to gather participants’ views on each song and use their opinions to identify methods of preservation. It was observed that many of the participants of both generations had similar viewpoints on each song. Through this, the study was able to shed light on the main factors which can affect a person’s thought process on how music stirs different emotions for everybody. The findings were different from the assumption that there was a large gap between generations' music tastes. Music for people is about comfort, happiness and emotional support, over just being a means of superficial entertainment. It is a very subjective and immersive experience for people from both the generations and it shouldn't be simply confined to any one era or relatability factor, as it transcends thresholds.

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