
First chapter uses California's drought to identify the economic threats of water scarcity on food, energy and environmental systems as a way to introduce the multiple interactions between these resources. The second part of this first chapter introduces the focus of the dissertation, the water-energy nexus, presents a literature review identifying gaps, states the main and specific research objectives and the research questions, explains the research approach, and describes the organization of the dissertation. Second chapter develops an end-use model for water use and related energy and carbon footprint using probability distributions for parameters affecting water consumption in 10 local water utilities in California. Statewide single-family water-related CO2 emissions are 2% of overall per capita emissions, and locally variability is presented. The impact of several common conservation strategies on household water and energy use are assessed simulating different scenarios. Based on the this model, Chapter 3 introduces a probabilistic two-stage optimization model considering technical and behavioral decision variables to obtain the most eco-nomical strategies to minimize household water and water-related energy bills and costs given both water and energy price shocks. Results can provide an upper bound of household savings for customers with well-behaved preferences, and show greater adoption rates to reduce energy intensive appliances when energy is accounted, result-ing in an overall 24% reduction in indoor water use that represents a 30 percent reduc-tion in water-related energy use and a 53 percent reduction in household water-related CO2 emissions. To complete the urban water cycle, Chapter 4 develops first an hourly model of urban water uses by customer category including water-related energy consumption and next I calibrate a model of the energy used in water supply, treatment, pumping and wastewater treatment by the utility, using real data from East Bay Municipal Utility District in California. Hourly costs of energy for the water and energy utilities are assessed and GHG emissions for the entire water cycle estimated. Results show that water end-uses account for almost 95% of all water-related energy use, but the 5% managed by the utility is still worth over $12 million annually. Several simulations analyze the potential benefits for water demand management actions. The total carbon footprint per capita of the urban water cycle is 405 kg CO2/year representing 4.4% of the total GHG emissions per capita in California. Accounting for the results obtained in Chapters 2 to 4, Chapter 5 describes a simple but powerful decision support system for water management that includes water-related energy use and GHG emissions not solely from the water operations, but also from final water end uses, including demands from cities, agriculture, environment and the energy sector. The DSS combines a surface water management model with a simple groundwater model, accounting for their interrelationships, and also includes explicitly economic data to optimize water use across sectors during shortages and calculate return flows from different uses. Capabilities of the DSS are demonstrated on a case study over California's intertied water system over the historic period and some simulations are run to highlight water and energy tradeoffs. Results show that urban end uses account for most GHG emissions of the entire water cycle, but large water conveyance produces significant peaks over the summer season. The carbon footprint of the entire water cycle during this period, according to the model, was 21.43 millions of tons of CO2/year, what was roughly 5% of California's total GHG emissions. The last two chapters discus and summarize the thematic and methodological contribu-tions and looks for further research presenting and discussing the research gaps and research questions that this dissertation left open.

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