
Throughout its existence, Russia has gained and lost friends and foes, allies and enemies, supporters and opponents. There are few countries in the world, which at different times under different circumstances, would intersect the interests of Russia. Yesterday's friends became today's opponents, the recent enemies concluded a Treaty of Alliance. Saved by Russia, the country suddenly betrayed, and the loser offered their help. But there are some countries that never played with Russia on one side to unite against their common woes. To such countries, in particular, is the Turkey. The whole history of cooperation between Russia and Turkey – endless war, punctuated only by short periods of forced truce. The relationship of these two neighbors, separated by a sea, more like friendship the bear and the wolf. Forced to live in the same forest, these two irreconcilable opponent under normal circumstances, ignoring the presence of each other, and at a certain time can even use the same trail. But the slightest contact of their interests has always led to the same result – a fight in which pieces of wool flying in different directions. And, to be honest, is the fur of the bear after another conflict always looked no more presentable than the remnants of the wolf's fur. What is the cause of this irreconcilable enmity and to what result can lead recent serious complication of relations between Russia and Turkey? The answer to this question interests all without an exception of inhabitants of the aforementioned countries and their neighbors. Understanding of the situation in this case does not help relieve a bit more tension, but can make a relative certainty in the future of both countries and to prepare for upcoming events.

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