
Waqf is an important instrument to improve welfare. Traditionally, the object of waqf is land. However, as civilization develops, waqf objects also need innovation because of limited land. This innovation also needs to be balanced with quality management. This study compares perspective of waqf management by three institutions in Province Yogyakarta Indonesia. They are Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, and Badan Wakaf Indonesia. This study uses explorative qualitative techniques. Data was obtained from interviews and documentation. Data analysis by coding techniques (breaking coding, pivot coding and choir coding). The results of the study found that (a) the management of waqf by Nahdlatul Ulama has not been managed properly legally administrative; (b) the management waqf by Muhammadiyah has been managed legally administratively; (c) the management and utilization of waqf by the Badan Wakaf Indonesia is well managed legally.


  • Researchers interested to have a research aimed at know the management and land use waqf based on perspective Nahdatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah and the government Yogyakarta

  • Each Islamic mass organizations support for violent attacks had entrusted bakrie sumatra plantation tbk be possible to describe different views about for religious or community use as well as it is implemented, the result of these two mass organizations said the head that would push the ideology of as well as a method of the thinking different bit. It is so important under review in detail, so that the stigma of the public related to the views of distinction from ormas-ormas Islam this could be union all muslim people in the. It self with the interests of or group individual so they can be, the settlement of the problem for religious or community use result the following key issues community can settled by many considerations and in the sight of each a figure by islamic mass organizations which he believes are

  • Besides Nahdatul Ulama (NU) and Muhamadiyah, the government involved in the management of land waqf.This can be seen from the emergence of government regulation number: 28 of 1997 on perwakafan land belonging to article 1 paragraph (1) that the compilation of laws islamic article 215 expressed : The Waqf Management : Perspective in Comparison “waqf is legal action a person or group person or law agency that separates some of objects her and melembagakannya forever to the interests of synagogue or public use other in accordance with the teachings of islam”

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Researchers interested to have a research aimed at know the management and land use waqf based on perspective NU, Muhammadiyah and the government Yogyakarta. The research is of the preliminary study with locate and identify views islamic figures NU, Muhammadiyah, and the government argument about the perspective of the management and the use of waqf land.

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