
Abstract. The present study concerns the digital documentation of the city wall of Verona. The "Verona Città Murata" project began in 2015 thanks to the research agreement between the Municipality of Verona (UNESCO office) and the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia. The project stems from the request to develop tools to document the site's conservation to initiate timely restoration, management, and maintenance studies. Measures for protecting, conserving, and enhancing a comprehensive and impressive cultural and natural heritage, such as the Magistral Walls and the Veronese Park, are complex and multifaceted. The multi-disciplinary aspect and the use of flexible tools to manage the information and analyses obtained during the study phase are fundamental. The research aims to optimize the fortified system's acquisition process by validating integrated survey methods and assessing point cloud data's potential, limitations, and planimetric and elevation accuracy (TLS, MLS, UAVs). On the one hand, the research products are aimed to structure a methodology of valuable representation for the documentation and diagnostic and conservative analysis of the artifact; on the other hand, they will become a helpful tool for the narrative description of Verona's fortifications to disseminate and valorize the fabric of military technology.

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