
The wall ofPinus sylvestris pollen and pollen tubes was studied by electron microscopy after both rapid-freeze fixation and freeze-substitution (RF-FS) and chemical fixation. Fluorescent probes and antibodies (JIM7 and JIM5) were used to study the distribution of esterified pectin, acidic pectin and callose. The wall texture was studied on shadow-casted whole mounts of pollen tubes after extraction of the wall matrix. The results were compared to current data of angiosperms. TheP. sylvestris pollen wall consists of a sculptured and a nonsculptured exine. The intine consists of a striated outer layer, that stretches partly over the pollen tube wall at the germination side, and a striated inner layer, which is continuous with the pollen tube wall and is likely to be partly deposited after germination. Variable amounts of callose are present in the entire intine. No esterified pectin is detected in the intine and acidic pectin is present in the outer intine layer only. The wall of the antheridial cell contains callose, but no pectin is detectable. The wall between antheridial and tube cell contains numerous plasmodesmata and is bordered by coated pits, indicating intensive communication with the tube cell. Callose and esterified pectin are present in the tip and the younger parts of the pollen tubes, but both ultimately disappear from the tube. Sometimes traces in the form of bands remain present. No acidic pectin is detected in either tip or tube. The wall of the pollen tube tip has a homogenous appearance, but gradually attains a fibrillar character at aging, perhaps because of the disappearance of callose and pectin. No secondary wall formation or callose lining can be seen wilh the electron microscope. The densily of the cellulose microfibrils (CMF) is much lower in the tip than in the tube. Both show CMF in all but axial and nontransverse orientations. In conclusion,P. sylvestris and angiosperm pollen tubes share the presence of esterified pectin in the tip, the oblique orientations of the CMF, and the gradual differentiation of the pollen tube wall, indicating a possible relation to tip growth. The presence of acidic pectin and the deposition of a secondary-wall or callose layer in angiosperms but not inP. sylvestris indicales that these characteristics are not related to tip growth, but probably represent adaptations to the fast and intrastylar growth of angiosperms.

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