
The number of people affected by diabetes is projected to rise significantly by 2030. As of 2021, 537 million people were living with diabetes with the numbers projected to rise to 643 million by 2030. The growing number of patients living with diabetes means that the demand for care will likely go up. Healthcare providers provide diabetes care more so the regular follow-up required by patients living with the disease. They also work together with the patients in facilitating self-care. Diabetes self-care is instrumental for patients living with diabetes. It ensures patients achieve glycemic control and have a lower risk of having complications. However, for most patients, practicing self-care can be a challenge. Most lack the knowledge and skills that are required to practice self-care confidently. Involving healthcare providers in diabetes self-care can lead to better disease outcomes. Pharmacists can provide the regular follow-ups and other services that lead to effective self-care such as health literacy. Pharmacists-led diabetes management interventions have been shown to lead to good outcomes including better glycemic control and reduced likelihood of having high blood pressure. Therefore, the aim of this review is to explore the role of pharmacists in diabetes self-care. Keywords: diabetes, diabetes self-care, diabetes complications, pharmacists, glycemic control

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