
This article explores how to visualize the Phillips curve from a multidimensional graphical perspective. We are using two new multidimensional coordinate spaces that are called “The Mega-Dynamic Disks Coordinate Space in Vertical position or Horizontal Position.“ mega-dynamic disks coordinate space in vertical position or horizontal position and facilitate the visualization of the Phillips curve behavior from a multidimensional graphical view. This paper is taking as a main reference the original paper that was published by A.W. Phillips in the year 1958. This paper is entitled The Relation between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957. This remarkable paper is going to be our basic bibliographical reference to build the original Phillip curve into a multidimensional graphical form. In essence, the paper extends the significance of the Phillips curve beyond mere theory, to a practical instrument applicable to solving economic problems.

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