
The visual pigment of the American lobster,Homarus americanus, has been studied in individual isolated rhabdoms by microspectrophotometry. Lobster rhodopsin has λmax at 515 nm and is converted by light to a stable metarhodopsin with λmax at 490 nm. These figures are in good agreement with corresponding values obtained by Wald and Hubbard (1957) in digitonin extracts. Photoregeneration of rhodopsin to metarhodopsin is also observed. The absorbance spectrum of lobster metarhodopsin is invariant with pH in the range 5.4–9, indicating that even after isomerization of the chromophore fromcis totrans, the binding site of the chromophore remains sequestered from the solvent environment. Total axial density of the lobster rhabdom to unpolarized light is about 0.7. As described for several other Crustacea, aldehyde fixation renders the metarhodopsin susceptible to photobleaching, a process that is faster at alkaline than at neutral or acid pH. Small amounts of a photoproduct with λmax at 370 nm are occasionally seen. A slower dark bleaching of lobster rhabdoms (τ1/2−2 h) also occurs, frequently through intermediates with absorption similar to metarhodopsin. The molar extinction coefficient of metarhodopsin is about 1.2 times greater than that of rhodopsin, each measured at their respective λmax. Isomerization of the chromophore fromcis totrans is accompanied by a change in the orientation of the absorption vector of about 3°. The absorption vector of metarhodopsin is either tilted more steeply into the membrane or is less tightly oriented with respect to the microvillar axes. When living lobsters are kept at room temperature, light adaptation does not result in an accumulation of metarhodopsin. At 4 °C, however, the same adapting lights cause a reduction of rhodopsin and an increase in metarhodopsin. There is thus a temperature-sensitive regeneration mechanism that supplements photoregeneration. Following 1 ms, 0.1 joule xenon flashes that convert about 70% of the rhodopsin to metarhodopsin in vivo, dark regeneration occurs in the living eye with half-times of about 25 and 55 min at 22 °C and 15 °C respectively.

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