
The experience in the day-to-day events of life is permanent. Literature has been created to highlight the activities of that life. Literature has been created as a guidebook for future generations and to create the inner feelings of people as they really are. Jain literature says that the maintenance of virtue is very essential for life. Through various songs, it emphasizes what kind of good qualities should be practiced in the household. It says that those who are in the household should add virtue rather than adding material things. It warns us to have five duties, such as increasing friends, reducing enemies, cohabiting with the wife, and showing love for one's neighbours. There is also some decency in doing charity. There are opinions that directly say that wanting favours should not be done and that the community people should follow charity without considering the recompense. The most important characteristic of the household is the hospitality trait. It states that it is necessary to act with love and character during the hospitality and not to go as a feast to the wealthy person. Jain literature says that every human being living in society should not do unwanted things with the intention of maintaining virtue, but should only do what is needed. All the virtues to be performed by an individual are explained in the Jain texts. It is also felt that it is necessary to follow it.

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