
VRML stands for Virtual Reality Modeling Language. Technically, VRML is neither virtual reality nor a modeling language. Virtual reality generally implies an immersive 3D experience, which typically requires a head mounted display (HMD) and 3D input devices, such as digital gloves. VRML neither requires nor imposes immersion. Furthermore, a true modeling language would contain richer geometric modeling primitives and mechanisms. VRML provides a bare minimum of geometric modeling features but contains numerous features unavailable in a modeling language. If VRML is not virtual reality or a modeling language, what is it? This question has several answers. At its core, VRML serves as a 3D interchange format. It defines most of the commonly used semantics found in today's 3D applications such as hierarchical transformations, light sources, viewpoints, geometry, animation, fog, material properties, and texture mapping. Here's a second answer to: what is VRML? It's a 3D analog to HTML. This means that VRML serves as a simple, multiplatform language for publishing 3D Web pages. The fact that some information, including games, engineering models, scientific visualizations, educational experiences, and architecture, can best be experienced in 3D has motivated this language. Typically, these types of projects require intensive interaction, animation, and user participation and exploration beyond what a page, text, or image based format can handle. Another answer is that VRML provides the technology to integrate 3D, 2D, text, and multimedia into a coherent model.

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