
Introduction 1. The break-up of the village 2. The peasant as seen by the middle class 3. The literature on rural relations 4. Crime as a medium of historical anthropology 5. Landscape with villages Part I. Peasant Society and the Individual: 1. Fire in the village: i. The arsonist ii. Work iii. The village iv. The families 2. The mad-doctor's gaze: i. From the social symptons to the physical ii. Female arsonists and puberty iii. Catharsis or disease? Part II. The Status of Women and the Place of Children: 1. The bridal wagon 2. Silent births: i. Infanticides ii. Time spent as a maid iii. Relationships between unmarried farm servants iv. 'With the angels' v. Gossip Part III. The Disputed Boundaries of the Village: 1. Poaching - economics, culture and sexuality: i. 'Nothing but shoot game' ii. A trade on the edge of the village iii. The village goes poaching iv. The young men v. The reality of fantasy 2. Domination in jeopardy: i. The provincial judge - attempts to mediate ii. The 'good natured mountain folk' and the 'stormy times' iii. Manhood and execution iv. A fantasy of reconciliation Conclusion: on the threshold between two worlds.

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