
SummaryThis part of the SIS will deal with the question: ‘how do we define a glaucoma specialist today’.Since the creation in 1978, the EGS has been strongly involved in teaching and training glaucoma in Europe and worldwide. In order to implement the EGS mission statement for education: ‘Promotion of evidence‐based practice and life‐long learning through systematic, extensive and renewable training’ the EGS is constantly organizing and updating a large number of teaching‐learning activities; it hosts since 2007 a yearly 2‐day European Residents Glaucoma Course, gives travel support for 1‐year glaucoma fellowship program in leading European university hospitals, publishes and updates since 1998 the Terminology and Guidelines for Glaucoma, holds a biannual Glaucoma Congress and runs EBO‐accredited courses. While the EGS has not the authority to impose fellowship‐programs to different countries or institutions in Europe, it can set clear requirements and standards of knowledge that define a ‘glaucoma specialist’. Testing this knowledge by the EGS‐EBO subspecialty exam and providing the FEBOS diploma represents a logical continuation of the creation of sustainable education and glaucoma care within Europe.

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