
This paper provides a critical overview of the Vietnamese diaspora in Australia, analyses its origins, socio-demographic characteristics and generational tides. It analyses the ways in which the nature of Vietnamese diaspora in Australia has impacted on their connections with the homeland. The paper presents the empirical findings of a research project conducted in three Australian cities. This paper assesses the nature of the Vietnamese diaspora in Australia critically applying Cohen’s [(2008). Global Diasporas. London: Taylor & Francis] typology of a refugee diaspora and analyses the extent of ties to the homeland in several domains of the diaspora-homeland relations. It analyses the impact of generally being perceived as a victim or refugee diaspora on ties with homeland. The discussion highlights key trends and characteristics in relation to diaspora-homeland ties, including the impact of being perceived as a victim/refugee diaspora on ties with homeland and the determinants on ties to the homeland, including age and place of birth.

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