
The Vhambedzi clan is one of the earlier Vhavenda sibs that settled south of the Limpopo (Vhembe) River before the arrival of the Masingo group that later conquered and subjugated them. The Masingo is the ruling elite of Venda. The Vhambedzi claim authorship and occupation of various Zimbabwe-type stone-walled sites (which the Masingo also occupied) in the eastern Soutpansberg area of South Africa. The Vhambedzi represents a segment of the earlier Vhavenda groups that predominantly settled south of the Vhembe River in an area known as Vhambedzi, extending to Tshituzi, Malungudzi (Marungudzi), and Hamatibi in southern Zimbabwe. The dominant legend states that Vhambedzi originated in Malungudzi. Conflicting justifications exist regarding this concern. Other counter-traditions associate them with other known earlier Vhavenda groups, the Vhangona. These earlier groups are autochthonous. The research for this article focused on unfamiliar Zimbabwe-type sites and oral legends clarifying the status of these sites concerning the known Vendaungubwe, Great Zimbabwe, Thulamela, Makahane, and Khami stone building traditions. The cultural continuity transcending the geographical divide, which the Vhambedzi represent, is of great significance.

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