
Part 1 The old world falls apart: shifting balance of power nationalism, imperialism and alliances outbreak of war war aims and wartime developments collapse of the central powers Wilson's programme for world peace pre-armistice agreement armistice. Part 2 The Paris Peace Conference: Council of Ten Council of Four. Part 3 The League of Nations: origins wartime developments Parisian proposals drafting the covenant. Part 4 Reparations: reparations or indemnity? British demand for an indemnity French policy reviewed Commission on the Reparation of Damage origins of the War Guilt clause central points of debate reparations in the Council of Four reparations settlement reactions to the draft proposals reparations in perspective. Part 5 The German settlement: Alsace-Lorraine the Rhineland the Saar Belgium Schleswig Poland the Sudetenland and Austria Memel German disarmament Hanging the Kaiser results. Part 6 The Eastern European Settlement: the Balkans - Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Rumania Eastern and Central Europe - Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland, the Baltic Provinces, Russia national self-determination, plebiscites and minority protection. Part 7 The colonial, Near and Middle Eastern Settlements: the Mandate System Germany's colonies in Africa and Asia collapse of Ottoman power peace settlement in the Near East from Versailles to Sevres from Sevres to Lausanne wartime developments in the Middle East the Middle East at the Conference - Syria, Palestine from Versailles to San Remo.

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