
Purpose: to analyze the nature of linguistic explication of the ideas of Oleksiy Dovhyy’s lyrical hero about the peculiarities of the Universe organization, represented in poetry «Let’s go to the area where the storks still live…» [Hodimte v kray, de shche zhyvut’ leleky…]». The object of the study is Oleksiy Dovhyy’s artistic language, presented in the mentioned poetry. The subject is the analysis of the features of the lingual reflection by the poet of the gaze of his lyrical hero on the Universe structure. Methodology: general scientific methods (descriptive with analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, classification and systematization); special linguistic methods (conceptual analysis, lingual & poetic analysis). Finding. The author deals with a set of theoretical issues related to the study of text as a linguistic and ontological phenomenon. Issues of linguistic communication as a means of forming linguistic and conceptual worldview were also covered. The researcher has substantiated the relevance of such analysis within the anthropocentric paradigm of modern scientific studies. During the research it was found out that the analyzed text presents an image of the lyrical hero’s native land, which he perceives as a sacred locus, a certain repository of legends, glory and historical memory. An analysis of the cosmological representations of the poet’s lyrical hero revealed that in his worldview the universe has a three-level structure and consists of the UPPER, MIDDLE and LOWER spheres. It was noticed that the image of the UPPER WORLD is represented in the text not by his direct nominations, but indirectly — the poet uses tokens to refer to such higher-level realities as the sun, the dawn, the moon, the bird, etc. The researcher pointed to the significant role of these images for the lyrical hero in the organization of the depicted world. It is revealed that in the lyrical hero’s worldview, the above-mentioned spatial level acts as a world of gods relative to the average. This world of gods blesses the earthly world and Ukraine. Explained by the appropriate linguistic constructions, the images of the middle world are used by the poet to shift the focus to such a sign of sacred locus as «fertility». The lexemes-nominations of the images of the lower spatial tier are used by the author to convey the peculiarities of the worldviews of Ukrainians and to emphasize their cultural heritage. Results. The author of the article pointed out the important role of tree image in the depicted cosmological model. It was noted that the mentioned image was introduced by the poet for the artistic reproduction of the archetypal image of the World Tree, which combines all three spatial tiers and acts as a kind of axis. Thus, it was noted the diversity and at the same time the integrity of the cosmological structure depicted by the poet, whose elements are in constant interaction.

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