
Three patterned fens in north central Alberta were analyzed to elucidate vegetation patterns in vascular plants and bryophytes. Two flark associations dominated by Menyanthes trifoliata and Carex limosa, both of which had Sphagnum jensenii and Drepanocladus exannulatus phases, were recognized. The strings consist of two associations; one is dominated by Betula glandulosa, Tomenthypnum falcifolium, and Aulacomnium palustre; the second is dominated by Picea mariana, Sphagnum magellanicum, and Ledum groenlandicum. An intensive analysis of one fen reveals that these mires are ‘poor fens’ with a mean pH of 5.2 and Ca2+concentration of 2.3 ppm. The fens occur on low drainage divides and Ca2+ is depleted as water flows through the fens. An ecological series of bryophytes is described in the transitions between flarks and strings.

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