
In working out vertical heights on the Akuse-Kete Krachi chain of triangulation in the Gold Coast a fairly considerable difference was found between values of the coefficient of refraction obtained from observations taken during the day and those taken at night, the mean values being 0.069 for daylight observations to heliographs and 0.087 for night observations to lamps. This difference no doubt is due mainly to the condition of the atmosphere during the day differing from its condition during the night rather than to any effect due to different sources of light. A new chain has recently been observed in Western Ashanti, and the index of refraction for the daylight observations again gave a lower value than that obtained from the night observations, the figures being 0.073 and 0.099 respectively. For the night work three different sources of light were used, hurricane lamps for short lines, Tilley vapour-pressure lamps for lines of intermediate length, and McCaw acetylene signalling lamps by Watts for long lines. It occurred, therefore, to the writer to examine the results to see if the mean values of the index of refraction showed any variations for the different light sources, since it seemed reasonable to suppose that the constitution of the light emitted from each source would be different and hence that the coefficient of refraction might vary.

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