
Introduction. Neurophysiological examination in patients with spinal cord injury is advisable to determine the end of the period of spinal shock. F-wave is a late electromyographic phenomenon realized by activating a pool of motor neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. In the state of spinal shock, the duration of which is variable, F-waves are not recorded. The presence of F-waves from the tibial nerves indicates the completion of spinal shock and restoration of electrical excitability of motor neurons of the anterior horn of the spinal cord. The appearance of F-waves is a marker for diagnostic transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess the viability of the cortical-spinal tract in the early stages of spinal shock.Study aim. To analyze the representation of F-waves in patients in different periods of spinal shock, depending on the level, volume and duration of the lesion.Materials and methods. There were a total of 15 patients with spinal trauma in age from 19 to 29 years enrolled. All patients affected were localized in segments C4–C7. The examination included stimulation electroneuromyography: registration of motor responses, sensory responses and F-waves from the median, ulnar, fibular and tibial nerves on both sides.Results. In 5 patients: 3 in acute, 1 in early and 1 in late periods of spinal cord injury, spinal shock was clinically diagnosed: electromyographic revealed the absence of F-waves for all tested nerves. In 4 patients in the early period of spinal cord injury F-waves were registered only with n. tibialis, the first spontaneous movements in the limbs were clinically observed; in 6 patients in the intermediate and late periods of spinal cord injury f-waves were recorded from all the nerves under study with constant latency. The end of spinal shock was clinically verified, with the presence of a minimum volume of movements and restoration of sensitivity in individual segments.Conclusion. Registration of F-wave should be a mandatory component of stimulation electromyographic in the verification of spinal shock, the duration of which is not correlated with the periods of spinal cord injury. The presence of f-waves is a diagnostic marker for transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess the viability of the cortical-spinal tract.


  • Neurophysiological examination in patients with spinal cord injury is advisable to determine the end of the period of spinal shock

  • F-wave is a late electromyographic phenomenon realized by activating a pool of motor neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord

  • The presence of F-waves from the tibial nerves indicates the completion of spinal shock and restoration of electrical excitability of motor neurons of the anterior horn of the spinal cord

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Оригинальные исследования

Проведение нейрофизиологического обследования у пациентов с позвоночно-спинномозговой травмой целесообразно для определения окончания периода спинального шока. Регистрация F-волн с большеберцовых нервов свидетельствует о завершении спинального шока и восстановлении электровозбудимости мотонейронов передних рогов спинного мозга. Появление F-волн служит маркером для проведения диагностической транскраниальной магнитной стимуляции с целью оценки состоятельности кортикоспинального тракта на ранних сроках позвоночно-спинномозговой травмы. У 5 пациентов, из которых 3 находились в остром, 1 – в раннем и 1 – в позднем периоде позвоночно-спинномозговой травмы, клинически диагностирован спинальный шок: электронейромиография выявила отсутствие F-волн для всех тестируемых нервов. У 6 пациентов в промежуточном и позднем периодах позвоночно-спинномозговой травмы F-волны зарегистрированы со всех исследуемых нервов с неизменной латентностью. Регистрация F-волны должна быть обязательным компонентом стимуляционной электронейромиографии при верификации состояния спинального шока, длительность которого не коррелирует с периодами позвоночно-спинномозговой травмы. Pirogov” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russia; 70 Pervomayskaya St., Moscow 105 203, Russia

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