
COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan in late 2019.Immediately, the whole nation rallied as one and fought the COVID-19 epidemic, especially grassroots party members, who played an extremely important role in the fight against COVID-19. By playing a pioneering and exemplary role in the fight against COVID-19, community-level Party members have not only practiced the Party constitution and set an example among the people, but also strengthened their flesh-and-blood ties with the people. They have also enhanced the quality of Party building and further maintained the party's advanced nature. However, in the fight against COVID-19, there are still some problems, such as the insufficient understanding of the vanguard and exemplary role of party members at the grass-roots level, the failure to continue the effect of the exemplary role of Party members, and the imperfect construction of grass-roots Party organizations. In order to further deepen the basic unit party member's cutting edge exemplary role, should constantly improve the level of party member's ideological understanding, further optimize the way the influence of the cutting edge exemplary role of party members, strengthen the construction of the grass-roots party organizations themselves, perfect the mechanism of the basic unit party member's cutting edge exemplary role, make the grass-roots party member's cutting edge exemplary role to continue, enhance its influence and staying power in the people.

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