
For the first time in Ukraine, the institute of small claims procedure has been introduced in the updated civil procedural legislation. The differentiation of cases, which can be considered in simplified or general proceedings, is carried out not only on the basis of the size of the claim, but on the basis of a number of criteria, for instance, the value of the case for the applicant, assessment of which is the main aim of this paper.


  • Quite traditionally simplified civil litigation procedures are prescribed by the legislator to resolve small claims, the limits of which are established by setting a limit on the size of claims1

  • The Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine contains provisions on small claims, the limit of which does not exceed UAH 185 300 as of 1 January 2019, which is approximately EUR 5 800, and the upper limit for the amount of the claim that is not considered under a simplified procedure is UAH 926,500, which is approximately EUR 26,000

  • It is noted in the literature that such a limitation amount is chosen for small claims, given that there are limits to the amount of the court fee, even if the price of the claim exceeds the specified amount, the applicant pays the highest limit of the fee set by law6

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Denys Korol

For the first time in Ukraine, the institute of small claims procedure has been introduced in the updated civil procedural legislation. Bylinėjimosi išlaidos ieškovui: teisenos tvarkos diferencijavimo ar prieigos prie teisingumo kriterijus?. Pirmą kartą Ukrainoje ieškinių dėl nedidelių sumų nagrinėjimo institutas buvo įtrauktas į atnaujintus civilinio proceso įstatymus. Kurios gali būti nagrinėjamos supaprastinta ar bendrąja tvarka, diferencijavimas atliekamas atsižvelgiant ne tik į ieškinio sumą, bet ir remiantis daugybe kriterijų, pavyzdžiui, atsižvelgiant į bylinėjimosi išlaidas ieškovui. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: civilinis procesas, ieškiniai dėl nedidelių sumų, ieškinio suma, ieškovas, teisingumo vykdymas, bylos vadyba

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