
AbstractThis paper presents a case study on an innovative Project Management (PM) and Systems Engineering (SE) approach that utilized elements of Agile and Lean principles. The scope of work required the development of a Concept of Operations (ConOps) for the upgrade of a power control system (PCS). The ConOps was delivered within a demanding 14 week timeline with a team geographically distributed across 8 time‐zones, within a fixed scope and budget.The ConOps document was treated as a system and delivered in increments similar to how the methodology ‘Scrum’ is used as the Agile Product Development Framework and the Lean Product Development Flow (LPDF) method for projects. The ConOps ‘system’ was delivered early and over a number of ‘sprints’, providing each time a valuable and ‘shippable’ product (the ConOps document) to the Client.

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