
This study seeks the applicable value for contemporary multiculturalism based on the women (Hagar, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, A great woman who lives in Shunem, A nameless servant girl) of the Old Testament who experienced migration. The article critiques uses of scripture that emphasize the roles of the women in the household. It provides a new interpretation through the perspective of feminist criticism, narrative criticism, and reader-response criticism. The article introduces the examples of six migrant women who created peace with people around them through their positive roles despite the fact that women had limited function under patriarchal society at that time. It suggests, while recognizing the difference regarding race, gender, and class between migrants and non-migrants, women and men, that they should not be used as the tools of discrimination. Furthermore, through these women from the Bible, the reader may find role models of independent women who are working for peace and social justice. Received (May 4, 2016), Review Result (May 19, 2016) Accepted (May 26, 2016), Published (July 31, 2016) Instructor, Paichai Univ., Doma-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Korea email: tanak39@naver.com * 이 논문은 한국연구재단 과제(2012S1A5B5A07036388)의 지원으로 작성되었습니다. The Value of Peace and the Acts of Women of the Old Testament from the Migrational Perspective Copyright c 2016 HSST 322 Keyword: Immigration, Women of the Old Testament, Feminist Theology, Peace, Multiculturalism

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