
AbstractAs the quality and quantity of natural habitats decrease, pressure increases to better understand species–habitat interactions and how animal communities respond to habitat changes. We assessed the relative importance of local habitat heterogeneity and productivity measures as predictors of avian species richness and compared these results to models for species of conservation concern (SCC). We derived three‐dimensional habitat heterogeneity and productivity measures from light detection and ranging data and hyperspectral imagery, and then used a Bayesian multi‐species hierarchical framework to model avian species richness and occupancy. We found both habitat heterogeneity and productivity were important factors for determining avian community richness. Three‐dimensional habitat heterogeneity and productivity metrics accurately predicted species richness at a local scale and were especially important to use within habitat guilds (i.e., alpha diversity). When scaling up to community richness across multiple habitat types (i.e., gamma diversity), two‐dimensional (surface level) productivity and heterogeneity metrics became important additions to the three‐dimensional metrics when estimating total avian richness. We also tested the utility of these metrics for predicting occupancy of SCC and compared community‐level relationships to species‐specific relationships. Species of conservation concern differed from the broader avian community with regard to local habitat heterogeneity and productivity measures. Species of conservation concern had different relationship habitat metrics than the greater avian community. Three‐dimensional measures of habitat heterogeneity and productivity predicted avian richness across the landscape, yet also highlighted the different habitat structure needs of SCC compared with the greater avian community.

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