
At all stages of the formation and development of society, human labor plays a special role — it is the main source of renewal of social relations, proportionally changing its social essence. Digitalization of the socio-economic space, which progressively occupies a place in the struc ture of life and life support of society, is also becoming a powerful catalyst for transformational processes in the field of employment and the labor market. The value system is also subject to modification, which is filled with new content.As the analysis of research shows, the modification of values is inherent in every turn of development — this means that in the corresponding period in history there is a different perception of values, with a new assessment of everything that is happening. Moreover, it is characteristic of each new generation, along with unshakable values, to form a different color of those of them that are easier to modify and in a new form do not abhor fundamental beliefs and rules.The values of work at the present stage acquire the features of expressing a certain social position, turns into the core of the attitude to life and social roles in the rigid protocols and new behavioral standards that are being formed in the digital society.The study indicates that the values of labor are transformed not only under the influence of the legislative and legal initiative of the state, but also due to the wide saturation of information content with forecasts, analytical calculations of experts, examples of existing projects implemented both in Russia and abroad, and other factors.At the same time, in the intergenerational context, the change in the system of labor values is characterized by varying degrees of influence and significance — for young people to a greater extent, for middle age, based on the importance of labor, achievements and perception of reality, for older people — the ubiquitous inviolability of previously formed labor values.

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