
The relevance of the research is motivated by the importance of understanding the value of dignity as one of the forms of moral regulation of the teachers actions and deeds. The authors motivate the social relevance of teaching a moral quality (or virtue) of dignity by the fact that, considering him/herself and others equally worthy, a person becomes capable of a constructive dialogue. The paper argues that one of the leading goals of modern education as an introduction to values is the education of students self-esteem, the upbringing of worthy people. The authors reveal that value is one of the elements of the system of moral regulation of actions and deeds; that the imperativeness of values lies in the fact that, being a guideline for pedagogical activity, they instruct the teacher to correspond to their content, which determines the content of moral requirements for him/herself and for students. It is shown that the golden rule of morality as a value determines the most important form of moral regulation in modern conditions. It is revealed that positive or negative aspects of the golden rule of morality correspond to what the teacher wants or does not want to experience, endure; what action he/she wants (does not want) to do so that students do (dont do) the same. It is substantiated that the above-mentioned aspects of the golden rule of morality from the pedagogical point of view are requirements to act (requirements-samples) or not to act (requirements-prohibitions) accordingly. It is revealed that dignity as a virtue combines the elements of obligation and value. Obligation is manifested in behavior focused on a certain moral quality dignity; the value of dignity, which manifests itself in behavior through the manifestation of moral qualities of honesty, truthfulness, etc., sets the form of moral regulation in which (form) the content of moral qualities and value of dignity is transmitted. The authors of the paper insist that the teacher, in the course of interaction with students, creates conditions for them to understand the essence of requirements-prohibitions, contained in the negative side of the golden rule of morality, and the essence of requirements-samples, enclosed in the positive side of the golden rule of morality; that at the level of self-education, these requirements are formulated by the teacher and students in the form of self-persuasion, self-order to commit a moral deed and not to commit an immoral act. Self-persuasion and self-order are methods of self-education, and the more a person masters them, the more he/she strengthens self-respect. Such a person becomes a moral guide for others; such a teacher creates the most favorable conditions for developing students self-respect.


  • It is substantiated that the above-mentioned aspects of the golden rule of morality from the pedagogical point of view are requirements to act or not to act

  • It is revealed that dignity as a virtue combines the elements of obligation and value

  • Obligation is manifested in behavior focused on a certain moral quality – dignity; the value of dignity, which manifests itself in behavior through the manifestation of moral qualities of honesty, truthfulness, etc., sets the form of moral regulation in which the content of moral qualities and value of dignity is transmitted

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Ценность человеческого достоинства как форма моральной регуляции действий и поступков учителя conditions. Которая как внутренняя сила реализуется в деятельности, является потребность в воспитании человеческого достоинства учащегося как основания всех других его достоинств, в воспитании достойного человека, наделенного добродетелями. Как элемент системы моральной регуляции, ценность достоинства определяет одну из форм такой регуляции учителем педагогических действий, поступков, ценностно-рациональных действий как социальных.

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