
It has been confirmed that the crabs play significant roles in the structure and function of coastal wetland ecosystems, such as mangroves and salt marshes. However it is not easy to estimate the abundance and density of burrowing crabs effectively, thus a further understanding of roles of crabs in these ecosystems has been lagged. Some studies have discussed the suitability of several census techniques, such as burrow counting method in estimating crab density in mangroves. The validities of burrow counting method and other census techniques in estimating crab density, however, has not been tested in salt marshes, especially where vegetation are dense. In this study, we tested the validity of burrow counting method in estimating the densities of Chiromantes dehaani and Ilyoplax deschampsi in tidal flat with dense vegetation of Phragmites australis and Zizania aquatica at Yangtze Estuary through comparing densities estimated by the burrow counting method and the excavation. Burrow counting averagely underestimated the density of C. dehaani by 15% and the degree of underestimation varied among vegetations and habitats (from an overestimate by 23% to underestimate by 41%). Burrow counting averagely overestimated the density of I. deschampsi by 43% and the degree of overestimate varied from 0% to 133% depending on the vegetations and habitats. The percentage of occupied burrows and the number of crabs sharing one burrow were important factors influencing the validity of estimating crab density through burrow counting method.

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