
The lack of agreement in the literature on the taxonomic treatment of the genus Tryblidiella is perhaps due largely to our still meager knowledge of the natural relationships in this group of fungi. In his description of the genus Tryblidiella, Saccardo (7), included a group of Discomycetes having brown ascospores with two or more septa, and designated T. ruifula (Spreng.) Sacc. as the type species. In 1892, Ellis & Everhart (4), reduced the genus Tryblidiella to a sub-getnus of Tryblidium. Later, 1904, Rehm (6), included the one-septate brown spored species under Tryblidiella, sub-genus Eutryblidiella, and the threeto five-septate brown spored species under Tryblidiella, sub-genus Rhydithysteriumn. After reviewing the literature on the genus Tryblidiella, it is the opinion of the writer that those forms having brown threeseptate ascospores belong in this genus as originally described by Saccardo.

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