
The electronic structure of La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 (LCeMO)has been investigated by using photoemission spectroscopy. A veryweak 4f resonance is observed and the Ce 3d spectrum of LCeMO isvery similar to that of CeO2, indicating that Ce ions are farfrom being trivalent. The Mn 2p core-level spectrum of LCeMO isessentially the same as that of hole-dopedLa0.7Sr0.3MnO3, but different from that of MnO. Thelocal spin-density approximation (LSDA) electronic structure calculations for LCeMO show that the Mn3d states contribute a large peak around -2 eV and a weakstructure between -2 eV and EF, and that the O 2p statesare spread between -3 eV and -9 eV, with negligible contributionnear EF. The LSDA calculations for LCeMO and hole-dopedLa0.7Ba0.3MnO3 reveal that the calculated Mn 3ddensity of states at EF in LCeMO is larger, reflecting theeffect of electron doping with Ce ions.

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