
The vacuole of plant cells is a large compartment whose functions (storage, regulation of cytoplasmic homeostasis) have been studied mainly using indirect methods. The recent development of procedures to isolate this organelle enables direct investigation of its properties and of those of its surrounding membrane, the tonoplast. Several problems are encountered when studying the tonoplast: the small quantities of membrane material recovered, the contamination by other membranes, and the lack of an unambiguous marker. This accounts for the scarcity of analytical data concerning this structure. The investigation of transport systems at the tonoplast was stimulated by the existence of a high pH gradient across this membrane and the accumulation of various solutes inside the vacuole (sucrose, organic acids, etc.). Up to now, the most studied system is the proton-pumping ATPase. Its main characteristics are presented, together with a few data on other transport systems.

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