
The largest areal concentration of pitted cones on Mars is located in the southwest section of Utopia basin. This particular area of pitted cones has been attributed to mud volcanism; several factors may have facilitated extensive mud volcanism at this location. The concentration of pitted cones is located where Utopia basin intersects Isidis basin; both features are multi-ring impact basins. On Earth, seismic investigations have shown that the outer rings of the Chicxulub multi-ring impact basin extend to the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho). If this is true on Mars as well, the fractures could act as conduits for water from Utopia Planitia, the site of a large, putative water body. It has been shown that methane can be generated at the mantle on Earth. On Mars this possible source of methane could combine with the infiltrated water to generate clathrates. While methane is not currently being released at the location of the pitted cones it could have been in the past. Three locations of methane release have been observed on Mars, two of which are located on the same outer ring of Isidis basin that intersects the pitted cone population. The area of Utopia basin that contains the large population of pitted cones is adjacent to the highland/lowland boundary where extensive deposition would have occurred. Extensive deposition combined with the potential for methane release may have contributed to the large population of pitted cones in this area of the Utopia basin.

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