
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of carbohydrate level and sources on the growth performance of black tiger shrimp <em>Penaeus monodon </em>juvenile. Four shrimp diet contains isoprotein (35%) and isoenergy-protein ratio (8.2 kkcal/g protein) but different in carbohydrate level were used in this experiment. Diet A and B containing carbohydrate at the level of 34%, while diet C and D contain 40% of carbohydrate. Diet A and diet C have similar carbohydrate source pollard and corn plus tapioca at the ratio of 1:1, where diet B and D was 2:1:1. Shrimp with 1.5±0.1 g of average body weight were reared in aquarium at the density of 10 shrimp/aquaria and fed 4 times daily at the level of 8% of body weight. Feed consumption, total and protein digestibility, protein and lipid retention, relative growth rate, feed efficiency, survival rate and feed conversion ratio was used as evaluating parameters. The results showed that all diets have similar effect on total and protein digestibility, protein and lipid retention, relative growth rate, feed efficiency, and survival rate (P>0.05). It is concluded that <em>Penaeus monodon </em>juvenile could utilize carbohydrate until the level of 40%, and shrimp could utilize corn and tapioca as good as pollard. <p>Keyword: <em>Peneaus monodon</em>, carbohydrate, pollard, corn, tapioca, growth</p> <p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan </em><em>dua kadar karbohidrat berbeda dari kombinasi </em><em>tepung tapioka, tepung jagung dan tepung </em><em>pollard</em><em> </em><em>dalam pakan terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan juvenil udang windu Penaeus monodon. </em>Pakan uji yang digunakan mengandung kadar protein (35%) dan rasio energi-protein (8,2 kkal g protein) yang sama, tetapi berbeda kadar karbohidrat. Pakan A dan B mengandung kadar karbohidrat 34%, sedangkan pakan C dan D mengandung karbohidrat 40%. Pakan A dan C mengandung kadar karbohidrat sama dengan sumber <em>pollard</em>, jagung dan tapioka dengan rasio 1:1:1, sedangkan pakan B dan D dengan rasio 2:1:1. Larva dengan bobot 1,5±0,1 g dipelihara dalam akuarium selama 60 hari dengan kepadatan 10 ekor/akuarium. larva diberi pakan sebanyak 4 kali sehari sebanyak 8% dari bobot biomassa. Parameter yang diamati adalah tingkat konsumsi pakan, kecernaan total dan protein, retensi protein, retensi lemak, pertumbuhan relatif, efisiensi pakan, kelangsungan hidup dan konversi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua pakan perlakuan memberikan pengaruh yang sama terhadap tingkat konsumsi pakan, kecernaan total dan protein, retensi protein, retensi lemak, pertumbuhan relatif, efisiensi pakan, konversi pakan dan kelangsungan hidup (P>0,05). Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa juvenil <em>Penaeus monodon</em> mampu memanfaatkan karbohidrat sampai kadar 40%, dan udang mampu memanfaatkan tepung jagung dan tapioka seperti halnya <em>pollard</em>.</p> <p>Kata kunci: <em>Penaeus monodon</em>, karbohidrat, <em>pollard</em>, taioka, jagung, pertumbuhan</p>

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