
Blockchain as one of technological hype in digital economy besides the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytic, fills the need of a secured peer-to-peer connection with the concept of distributed database. However, it does not eliminate the centralized database on massive data storage which it is the core of Big Data. Blockchain is more suitable for information log, a kind of application that requires dynamic and updated information with hierarchical hash security features to support a distributed database system. The Blockchain features are prospective to enhance the security of Big Data from attacks to its CIA Triad, namely Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. As information has become a crucial and critical to business, meanwhile managing a huge-volume data is also challenging in terms of its security and veracity, therefore Blockchain technology can be considered as a prospective solution. Based on our study, we found that Blockchain can enhance the security of Big Data by strengthening the security of the data storage, enhancing the data integrity using digital certificate and chaining the block using hash of previous block, and enhancing data availability using peer-to-peer transmission, distributed nodes, and consensus method. Blockchain can also enhance the performance of Big Data Analytic by providing a better data veracity from token-based validation to enhance the truth discovery, and ID decentralization to prove the identity of data source.

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