
Introduction Citation analysis is a useful tool to understand the contributions publications make within their fields. As the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) by orthopedic shoulder and elbow surgeons increases, it is vital to highlight influential literature that may inform readers of innovations, new applications, and current trends within PRP research. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the 50 most-cited publications related to the use of PRP in shoulder and elbow orthopedics. Methods The Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Database was searched using various Boolean searches. Author name, journal, study type, publication year, number of citations, level of evidence, and geographical origin were recorded for each publication. Results Included publications accumulated 6318 total citations with the most-cited article achieving 561 citations. Most studies were randomized controlled trials of Level I evidence. Authors from the United States (10) produced the most publications, and nearly half (22) of the articles were published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine. Discussion Randomized controlled trials composed much of this analysis. As PRP use within upper extremity orthopedics is refined, studies demonstrating evidence in favor of PRP may replace the publications reviewed in this analysis.

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