
Anatomically specific fixation devices have become mainstream, yet there are anatomical regions and clinical conditions where no pre-contoured plates are available, such as for glenohumeral arthrodesis. In a case series of 4 glenohumeral arthrodesis patients, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at GCUH implemented 3D printing technology to create reconstructions of each patient's shoulder girdle to pre-contour arthrodesis plates. Our aim was to quantify the cost-benefit & intra-operative time savings of this technique in glenohumeral arthrodesis.We hypothesized that the use of 3D printing for creating patient specific implants through pre-operative contouring of plates will lead to intra-operative time and cost savings by minimising time spent bending plates during surgery.This study analysed 4 patients who underwent shoulder arthrodesis by a single consultant orthopaedic surgeon at GCUH between 2017-2021. A CT-based life-size model of each patient's shoulder girdle was 3D printed using freely available computer software programs: 3D Slicer, Blender, Mesh Mixer & Cura.Once the patient's 3D model was created, plate benders were used to contour the plate pre-op, which was then sterilised prior to surgery. Arthrodesis was performed according to AO principles of fixation. The time spent pre-bending the plate using the 3D model was calculated to analyse the intra-op time and cost-saving benefits.For the 4 cases, the plate pre-bending times were 45, 40, 45 & 20 minutes (average 38.8 mins). The intra-op correction time to make small adjustments to the plate was 2 min/ case. 3 plates needed minor (3 degree) adjustment to fine-tune scapula spine contouring. 1 plate needed a 5 degree correction to fine-tune hand position. On average, the pre-bending of the plate saved approximately 38.8 mins intra-op/ case. These shorter anaesthetic and operating times equate to approximately $2586 saving/ case, given an estimate of $4000/hour of theatre costs.We conclude that pre-bending plates around 3D-printed life-size models of an individual's shoulder girdle prior to surgery results in approximately 38.8 mins time saving intra-op when used in shoulder arthrodesis. This is a viable and effective technique that will ultimately result in significant operative time and financial savings.

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