
The risk of groundwater contamination from shale gas exploration and development is a major societal concern, especially in populated areas where groundwater is an essential source of drinking water and for agricultural or industrial use. Since groundwater decontamination is difficult, or nearly impossible, it is essential to evaluate exploration and production conditions that would prevent or at least minimize risks of groundwater contamination. The current consensus in recent literature is that these risks are primarily related to engineering issues, including casing integrity and surface activities, such as truck traffic (equipment and fluid haulage), waste management (mainly drill cuttings), and water storage and treatment when hydraulic fracturing is utilized. Concerns have also been raised with respect to groundwater contamination that could result from potential fracture or fault interconnections between the shale unit and surficial aquifers, which would allow fracturing fluids and methane to reach the surface away from the wellbore. Despite the fact that groundwater resources are relatively well characterized in some regions, there is currently no recognized method to evaluate the vulnerability or risks to aquifers resulting from hydrocarbon industry operations carried out at great depths.This paper focuses on the Utica Shale of the St. Lawrence Platform (Quebec), where an environmental study aiming to evaluate potential risks for aquifers related to shale gas development has been initiated. To provide the context of these research efforts, this paper describes the regional tectono-stratigraphic evolution and current stress regime of the Cambrian–Ordovician St. Lawrence Platform, as well as the Utica Shale internal stratigraphy, mineralogy and thermal maturation. Then, the hydrogeological context of the St. Lawrence Platform is discussed. Finally, the methodology for this environmental study, based on geological, geophysical, geomechanical, hydrogeological and geochemical data, is presented.

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