
Endosalpingiosis (ES) and endometriosis (EM) refer to the growth of tubal and endometrial epithelium respectively, outside of their site of origin. We hypothesize that uterine secretome factors drive ectopic growth. To test this, we developed a mouse model of ES and EM using tdTomato (tdT) transgenic fluorescent mice as donors. To block implantation factors, progesterone knockout (PKO) tdT mice were created. Fluorescent lesions were present after oviduct implantation with and without WT endometrium. Implantation was increased (p<0.05) when tdt oviductal tissue was implanted with endometrium compared to oviductal tissue alone. Implantation was reduced (p<0.0005) in animals implanted with minced tdT oviductal tissue with PKO tdT endometrium compared to WT endometrium. Finally, oviductal tissues was incubated with and without a known implantation factor, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) prior to and during implantation. LIF promoted lesion implantation. In conclusion, endometrial derived implantation factors, such as LIF, are necessary to initiate ectopic tissue growth. We have developed an animal model of ectopic growth of gynecologic tissues in a WT mouse which will potentially allow for development of new prevention and treatment modalities.

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