
Dr. David G. Novick, University of Texas, El PasoDavid Novick is the Associate Dean of Engineering for Graduate Studies and Research, Professor ofComputer Science, and Mike Loya Distinguished Chair in Engineering. He formerly directed UTEP’sKauffman Campus Initiative and now serves as co-director of UTEP’s Mike Loya Center for Innovationand Commerce. He leads the College of Engineering’s Task Force on Innovation and Entrepreneurship,which includes participants from colleges across the university. Dr. Novick, who is a graduate of HarvardLaw School, teaches UTEP’s course on Intellectual Property Law, and chairs the university’s IntellectualProperty Committee.Dr. Cory Hallam, University of Texas, San AntonioCory R. A. Hallam was born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1973. He received a B.Eng degree in Mechanicaland Aerospace Engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, in 1996, and an M.Eng in Aeronautics andAstronautics in 1997, an M.S. in Technology and Policy in 2001 and a Ph.D. in Technology, Management,and Policy in 2003 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 1997 to 2001 he was the LeadSystems Engineer for developing MIT’s Aero/Astro Learning Labs. From 2003 to 2005 he worked LeanEnterprise Transformation Efforts with Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems, and served as a programmanager on the Global Hawk program for Aurora Flight Sciences until 2006, implementing Lean Enter-prise strategies to improve UAV program schedules and costing. In 2006 he joined the University of Texasat San Antonio as the founding Director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship,and currently serves as the university’s Chief Commercialization Officer. He is an Associate Professor ofEntrepreneurship and Technology Management conducting research and publishing on topics includingLean Enterprise Transformation, Systems Analysis of Renewable Energies, Technology Commercializa-tion, and Entrepreneurship. Under his leadership, UTSA has forged new ground in the realm of technologycommercialization, including the first technology licenses, faculty start-ups, student patent filings, studentstart-ups, on campus incubation of start-ups and partner companies, and a Commercialization Council thatbridges the gap between university research and the broader technology commercialization community inSan Antonio. Mr. Hallam was a recipient of the MIT Course 16 Sixteen award, the SABJ 40 under 40award, the Richard S. Howe Undergraduate Teaching Excellence award, and currently holds the JacobsonDistinguished Professorship in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UTSA.Prof. Dorie Jewel GilbertProf. Olivier Wenker MD, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer CenterDr. Wenker is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at The University of Texas M. D.Anderson Cancer Center and the founding Director of their Office of Technology Discovery. Dr. Wenkerstarted his career as an anesthesiologist in 1985. He is triple European board certified in anesthesiology,critical care medicine and emergency/disaster medicine as well as American board certified in Antiagingand Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Wenker served many years as emergency/trauma physician on boardrescue helicopters, ICU airplanes, ambulances, and emergency physician vehicles. He worked as a traumafield physician, rescue diver, disaster medicine triage and lead physician, and served many years as chief ofa medical team for special police forces. He was involved in over 700 rescue missions and several dozensof special forces missions. In 2004, Dr. Wenker earned a Master of Business Administration degree fromthe Jones Graduate School for Management at Rice University in Houston, Texas, receiving the prestigiousJones Award for Academic Excellence. Dr. Wenker’s special interests involve electronic publishing andthe use of digital information for education. He is the founder and CEO of Internet Scientific Publication,LLC, an online medical publishing house distributing over 80 medical journals. He frequently travelsand lectures on topics including healthy lifestyle choices, nutrition and wellness, doping-free athleticperformance enhancement, and the use of essential oils for health. Dr. Wenker also developed someeducation programs in entrepreneurship and is one of the PI’s of an Innovation and Entrepreneurshipgrant issued by The University of Texas.c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

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