
AbstractIn situ treatability studies are being conducted to evaluate various in situ technologies to manage groundwater contamination at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The focus of these studies is to evaluate remediation options for contaminated (mostly aerobic) groundwater occurring within the basal portion of a clayey residuum called the rubble zone. The tension‐saturated media and unsaturated media lying above the rubble zone are also being treated where they make up a significant component of the contaminant mass. An in situ chemical reduction field pilot test was implemented (following bench‐scale tests) during July and August 2000. The test involved the injection of zero‐valent iron powder in slurry form, using the FeroxSM process patented by ARS Technologies, Inc. The pilot test focused on trichloroethene (TCE)‐contaminated groundwater within the rubble zone. Maximum pre‐injection concentrations of about 72,800 micrograms per liter (μg/l) were observed and no secondary sources are believed to exist beneath the area. The potential presence of unexploded ordnance forced an implementation strategy where source area injections were completed, as feasible, followed by overlapping injections in a down gradient alignment to create a permeable reactive zone for groundwater migration. Eight post‐injection rounds of groundwater performance monitoring were completed. The results are encouraging, in terms of predicted responses and decreasing trends in contaminant levels. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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