
The purpose of this paper is to examine the continuously growing use of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for students’ effective engagement in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through knowledge management (KM) and blended learning (BL). Digital technology has transformed teaching and learning in such a way that VLE became indispensable part of HEIs to effectively engage students through blended learning. COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected organisations worldwide including the HEIs as institutions were compelled to close their campuses in response to lockdowns. The HEIs have responded with greater agility to transform campus teaching into virtual learning. VLE is relentlessly evolving in terms of scope and application while HEIs are renovating themselves in parallel ensuring a practical online platform for digital revolution. In this study, the identified research gap is determined to assess the level of students’ engagement in their higher education through KM and blended learning specifically using virtual learning activities. A cross-sectional quantitative methodological approach is employed to assess the use of VLE on students’ engagement through KM and blended learning. The students’ effective engagement is assessed by employing the research arithmetical analysis method based on five demographic factors including their “age, gender, field of study, ethnicity, and mode of study programme”. The collected data is systematically analysed to validate students’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioural engagement through KM and blended learning practices. The effective students’ engagement through KM and blended learning questionnaire ‘KMSEBL’© is industrialized, comprising of five essential demographic factors “age, gender, ethnicity, field of study, and mode of study”, containing 12 close-ended substances under three main dimensions to assess students’ effective engagement including ‘students’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioural factors. The data outcome is later evaluated applying the Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis, which indicates that students’ various groups and sub-groups responding in a different manner in context of elevated substances. The research result approves the role of technology innovation for enhanced students’ engagement in higher education through KM and blended learning practices. However, the future research will investigate what specific KM and blended learning activities are essential in engaging students from diverse demographic, geographic, psychographic groups.

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