
The popularity of immersion, understood as absolute engrossment in a virtual world, has been growing year by year, due to new hi-tech sound, image and data-processing technologies. Man, because of human nature, is attracted to immersion as a way of experiencing new environments, which are often very different from those offered by the real world. Thanks to immersion in a virtual world, one can step into any desired computer-generated reality. This technology has found its use in the process of motor rehabilitation, likewise, psychological therapy. Total immersion in a virtual world creates the possibility for guided rehabilitation, utilising the appeal of am imaginary environment. Patients become more engaged and motivated to take part in the laborious and painstakingly long process leading to the recovery of their motor functions. Cooperation between physiotherapists and psychologists with engineers has resulted in the creation of new software solutions, and improved equipment, which can be tailored to meet the needs of patients with various mental problems or physical disfunctions and disabilities.

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