
Students’ difficulties in solving problems in Linear Algebra course could be assisted by the use of wxMaxima Linear Algebra module. This paper focuses on the learning on Gauss elimination topic using the wxMaxima Linear Algebra module. The wxMaxima Linear Algebra module has been developed using the ADDIE development model. The participants were 18 mathematics education students of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. This study used the lecturer’s self-reflection sheet to see the relevance of the lesson plan and the learning implementation. The learning process implemented direct instruction model and the time allocated for the class session was 150 minutes. The learning activities began with the explanation about elementary row operations (ERO) and Gauss elimination (GE) by the lecturer and followed by solving problems manually solving using the paper-pencil method. Furthermore, the solutions obtained manually were checked using the wxMaxima software. Learning activities were then continued to the concept of Gauss Jordan elimination method. Although the students spent much time to solve the Gauss elimination problems manually, overall the learning process went well as the time allocated in the lesson plan. The findings suggest that the wxMaxima Linear Algebra module could be used for other linear algebra topics.

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