
The cuffed oropharyngeal airway (COPA) is a device which has already been demonstrated to be suitable for anaesthetized adult patients undergoing either spontaneous or mechanical ventilation. There are few reports on the use of the COPA in children. In this study, the authors assessed the COPA in paediatric patients undergoing minor surgery. The same anaesthesiologist inserted the COPA in 40 consecutive paediatric patients, ASA I and II, aged 1.8-15.3 years. (7.4 +/- 3.9), after induction of anaesthesia with N2O/O2/sevoflurane. COPA size was chosen by measuring the distal tip of the device at the angle of the jaw with the COPA perpendicular to the patient's bed. The proper positioning of the COPA was assessed by observing thoracoabdominal movements, regular capnograph trace, the reservoir bag movements and SpO2 > 94% with a fraction of inspired oxygen of 0.5. Anaesthesia was maintained with 1 MAC halothane, sevoflurane, or isoflurane in N2O/O2 (50%) and the patients were spontaneously breathing. The stability of the COPA following changes in head, neck and body position was tested. We recorded the duration time for COPA insertion, the side-effects of placement of the COPA and during the intraoperative period, the number of attempts, the type of manipulation in order to provide an effective airway and postoperative symptoms, such as the presence of blood on the device, sore throat, neckache, jaw pain and PONV. Successful COPA insertion at the first attempt was 90% and at the second attempt in the remaining 10%. The most frequent airway manipulations were head tilt in 27.5% (obtained by a pillow under shoulders) and chin lift in 5%. No complications both at COPA placement nor during the intraoperative period were observed. On the basis of weight and age, the COPA size was no. 8 in 50%, no. 9 in 30%, no. 10 in 12.5%, and no. 11 in 7.5%. The COPA demonstrated stability after changes in head, neck and body position. Postoperative complications were the presence of blood stains in one case and PONV in six cases (15%). The COPA is an extratracheal airway device suitable in paediatric patients undergoing general anaesthesia with spontaneous ventilation for minor surgery and other painful procedures. This study shows that for paediatric patients: (i) complications seem to be rare; (ii) the COPA allows hands free anaesthesia; (iii) specific indication for the COPA could be obese patients with a small mouth; and (iv) COPA sizing can be easily established by the weight or age of the patients.

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