
The aim of the study is to use the COBIT framework to reveal the reality of the Mobile Information Technology management , and its role in achieving information quality governance in the Directorate of Traffic in Dohuk Governorate. The fifth version of the COBIT framework identifies four domains of mobile IT management: 1- (Align , Plan and Organize) ,2- (Build, Acquire and Implement) , 3- (Deliver, service ,and support) ,and 4- (Monitor ,Evaluate ,and Assess) , and Three criteria for information quality governance (Intrinsic quality, Contextual quality, and Security quality). In order to reach the results of the study, We have relied on the available in the literature of the subject in order to build the conceptual and methodological frameworks. A questionnaire was used for collection of field data and was distributed to (51) managers in the Directorate. The sample included managers, heads of departments, and mobile team leaders who directly deal with mobile information technology . Statistical analysis of the data was conducted using statistical software (SPSS). A number of statistical indicators that formed the basis for presenting and discussing the results of field analysis. The most important conclusions of the study were the existence of statistically significant positive correlation between the Mobile Information Technology management and the information quality governance according to the COBIT framework, and mobile information technology management as an independent variable has a significant impact on information quality governance as a dependent variable The research presented a number of suggestions , including increasing the investment in mobile information technology infrastructure by the Directorate of Traffic in Duhok governorate, keeping abreast of the rapid developments in it, and benefiting from the COBIT framework in Mobile Information Technology management and information quality governance.

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