
The use of a virtual whiteboard as an educational tool encourages learning as it enables students to share and interact with information in a virtual environment, thus contributing to the creative learning process by increasing students' interest and understanding. This study aims to examine the purposes of using the virtual board application in language education and to determine its contribution to students' education. The target group of the study was the first-year students of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature and the Department of Turkish Language Teaching. The use of virtual whiteboards was applied to native Turkish speakers in mother tongue education and in teaching Ottoman Turkish with the use of different alphabets. The data obtained were interpreted with the qualitative research method. The findings are evaluated and interpreted within the scope of virtual board studies with technology in face-to-face classical education and online education of basic concepts and practices in language education. It was found that the students who were physically out of school and receiving education from home felt themselves in the classroom environment.

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