
Abstract The provision of foods to wild birds is an extremely common practice among householders throughout the Western world. Nonetheless, concerns over potential impacts of the practice are currently being raised, including the possibility that some species may become reliant on human‐provided food. We compared the foraging and breeding ecology of pairs of fed and unfed Australian magpies Gymnorhina tibicen living in suburban environments in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Detailed behavioural observations of both foraging and chick provisioning were made for males and females of both groups throughout the breeding season. Natural foods dominated the diets of both fed and unfed magpies, making up 76% and 92% of all items consumed respectively. During the morning, fed magpies obtained fewer food items during ground foraging than did unfed birds, apparently because they visited suburban feeding stations more often during the early part of the day. At other times, the amount of food items obtained during foraging was similar for both fed and unfed birds. Magpies utilizing suburban feeding stations started all breeding activities significantly earlier than unfed magpies, except during the fledgling phase. Both fed and unfed magpie parents provisioned their chicks predominantly with natural food. Magpies were not reliant or dependent on supplementary food provided by wildlife feeders at any time during the breeding season. Although many magpies did utilize suburban feeding stations extensively, they continued to forage for and provision their chicks with natural food.

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