
AbstractInterest led to students’ behavior during the learning process. This research was aimed to describe students’ interest in writing recount text through the implementation of Storybird platform as a media in the classroom. The subjects were 35 students VIII A class of SMPN 20 Pontianak. This research was a classroom action research used the observation checklist, field notes, interview and writing test as the instruments in collecting data. It conducted in two cycles. The finding showed that using Storybird platform to teach writing recount text encouraged the students’ interest as same as writing skills. The students were more active, enthusiastic, focus, motivated and confident in their writing class. They enjoyed writing recount text and followed the learning activities. Based on the indicators of interest, the improvement of students’ interest was around 83% to 100% in the last cycle. Moreover it also increased the students’ ability of writing aspects. Based on the quantitative data, the students’ score in cycle 1 was 72.18 and increased into 80, 03 in the test of Cycle II.

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