
Event Abstract Back to Event The use of stored local views in searching for a hidden goal in a virtual arena Iveta Fajnerova1*, Kamil Vlcek1, Cyril Brom2, Jiri Lukavsky1, Michal Bida2, Zbynek Krulich3 and Jan Bures1 1 ASCR, Institute of Physiology, Czechia 2 Charles University , Faculty of Mathematics-Physics, Czechia 3 Academy of Arts Architecture and Design Prague, Czechia The cognitive ability to find the way in our everyday environment is still not fully understood, although there are several theories and models trying to explain it. The Cognitive map theory [1] predicts disruption of the goal navigation by the configuration changes but not by removal of any single cue. This theory is supported by some virtual navigation experiments in human even though other results seem to contradict it and support the use of stored local views of the environment. To examine this, we have designed an experiment in a virtual environment, which allowed us configuration changes of the experimental space and detailed recording of the subject’s behaviour. We used the virtual Blue Velvet Arena (BVA), which is a real space circular arena used for clinical assessment in Prague Hospital Motol. By linking positional and turning information with eye movement tracking apparatus we have studied also the scenes viewed during navigation. A group of participants searched for an invisible target on the floor of the circular arena which was fixed relative to distal orientation cues placed on the arena wall. After varied amount of acquisition trials they were supposed to estimate the target position with unannounced cue deletion or cue configuration change. Data measured using cue deletion indicate that after short learning only one cue is used for estimation of target position, while with more acquisition trials the target position relative to each cue is known, but the relative configuration of these cues plays weaker role. We haven't find influence of configuration change or cue deletion on navigation performance. Our results support the hypothesis of the stored local views. Possibly, higher degree of immersion or real space navigation can support the use of configuration information. Supported by grants GACR 309/09/0286, by the MSMT CR 1M0517, LC554 and MSM0021620838, and by the Program “Information Society” 1ET100300517.

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